Port Pricing in the North Port of Split: A Comparative Analysis


  • Luka Vukić University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies
  • Ivan Peronja University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies
  • Merica Slišković University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies




Competitiveness, Pricing, Port of Split, Sustainable development, Tariffs


Pricing in ports is an important element of port competitiveness when it comes to the establishment of logistics and transportation systems, determining cargo flows, and developing optimum and quality service. This paper aims to examine the need to modify the port tariff in the North Port of Split through comparison of thetariff system in the main Croatian cargo ports for specific vessel categories and types of cargo. The results were also compared with the port tariffs in the ports of Koper and Trieste to identify shortcomings and suggest potential modifications of individual service prices. The analysis revealed a discrepancy in the segment of port charges, towage and light dues (which account for almost 75 % of the total price), with the latter indicated as a crucial problem in all Croatian ports. Tariff adjustment would eventually improve port competitiveness, with the possibility of expansion to new markets, extension of the gravitational area, and acquisition of additional cargo for the North Port. The inclusion of "environmental charge", with envisaged discounts or additional charges for environmental protection and sustainable development, is essential for the port’s strategic orientation and market positioning.




How to Cite

Vukić, L., Peronja, I. and Slišković, M. (2018) “Port Pricing in the North Port of Split: A Comparative Analysis”, Transactions on Maritime Science. Split, Croatia, 7(1), pp. 59–70. doi: 10.7225/toms.v07.n01.006.



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